Make sure you explore everywhere for upgrade materials. 4x where x is the AR of the weapon. The Beast Cutter is a Trick Weapon in Bloodborne. If Jaune stomps, Ludwig is assisted by Lady Maria. Having 25 ARC effectively makes the trick form almost useless and the trick form is where the HMS truly shines. It has the best scaling, in my opinion. Edited the S scaling to A scaling, which is correct. However, whenever I have the option to level. Ludwig's Holy Blade: 100-----100: 100: 16 D: 12. The description before patch 1. It exhibits several departures from the workshop's design, suggesting. Notes. just stick with the great sword form and you should be fine. If Ludwig stomps, Jaune is assisted by Cardin. Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music for Ludwig, Holy Blade by Sony arranged by NicManza for Piano (Solo)I can't think of a single problem with the Holy blade. 35. 5 scaling in strength and . 1 waning. 3% Physical Attack with +3% Stamina Cost. This particular blade--Ludwigs Holy Blade--where for blunt and thrust it has numbers on it. The radiant sword indicates the heirs to the will of Ludwig. It is a variation of the Chikage, possessing different Gem Imprints. 4 scaling in skill, which seems low initially. One of the badges crafted by the Healing Church. So if you're running a STR build, the Kirkhammer presents a better option in terms of raw damage, but if you're looking to level SKL as well, then LHB will benefit from that. This is a Fan Art model designed from scratch. 2 model - its tracery with substrate (enable for printing). you get 763 at 16/50 and 783 at 30/30 , depends upon preference , you prefer quality weapons eg saw cleaver and spear (they hit extremely hard at 580 ar naturally calculating with 27% gems) or more skill based weapons. ago. It has great crowd control when transformed. This setup lets you use the Holy Blade to its best effect as well as the BoM since its Arc scaling is about non-existant. So Ludwig's has slightly better str scaling than dex (say it improves at 100% for strength and 95% for Dex). Rifle Spear Description "A trick weapon crafted by the workshop heretics, the Powder Kegs. HOWEVER, you are emphasizing Arcane, so you actually want the LOST Holy Ludwig's Blade. Ludwig, the Holy Blade Defeat the beast that was once Ludwig, the Holy Blade. ago. The cleaver has less damage per hit, but is. The arcane symbol is a star itself. scaling is calculated on base damage so if the base is only 50-60 you get next to no bonus damage at all even with B scaling but with the non-arcane weapons the gem converts all. Scaling effects: Scaling gems do nothing but boost the scaling of a certain stat on your weapon. Bloodborne Builds: The recommended weapons for this build include the Hunter Axe, Ludwig’s Holy Blade, and the Whirligig Saw. Points from 0 -> 25 give a lot of scaling, then from 26 -> 50 they give half of that scaling. I've not run the numbers, but your setup may benefit from a cursed heavy abyssal (str scaling +65). It’s one of the easiest weapons to use and is very powerful, especially if you use its transform attacks. Ludwigs Holy Blade is very effective and can reach a very high amount of damage, but there are many players who can be just as effective with another weapon. Charged R2s with great reach and damage, combo R1s for days and endless smacking with that L2. * Several enemies and bosses have specific weakness to fire, bolt, ect. 85 and 20 Skill is coverted to 0. Strength 20. FYI, in that case you'll only get damage from the 1 arcane gem. Some scale better, some are better suited for people who put their levels into. Ludwig blade has a better moveset more reach and many horizontal attacks as well as a nice ling ranged thrust. The Chikage is a purely Skill-scaling katana in its standard form, and becomes a Skill/Bloodtinge tachi when transformed. There are 3 versions of this weapon: Normal, Uncanny and Lost; which only differ in their Gem Imprints and the locations in which. A trick weapon typically used by Healing Church hunters. I mainly use ludwigs blade and i want a good build with it. Kill the first two hunters by backstabbing. ago. 50% righteous bonus for all. Arcane 6. Maybe even two. It has a hefty price tag of 20,000 Blood Echoes, but it is worth it. CryptoOn a 25/25 or 50/50 build it is good, otherwise it isn't really that great. Dying to a boss multiple times makes it much better to me. I’m only level 35 but 20000 makes you think it’d be a pretty sweet weapon. The first build is the only build you should ever use ever. When fully upgraded, the higher base damage and lower scaling makes Ludwig's Rifle deal more damage than the Hunter Blunderbuss if your Bloodtinge is less than 28. --. Violent Past Origin: 50 Vit, 37 End 50 Str, 50 Skl, 6 BT, 7 Arc. ago. Strength: 28. Example: A character with 50 Strength and 20 Skill is using a +10 Whirligig Saw, which has a base damage of 190, a strength scaling of 1. Still also a good and fun to use weapon. just stick with the great sword form and you should be fine. (I don't know the exact values for the Holy blade, but I do know it's B in both Strength and Skill). Holy Moonlight Sword 3. All files have been tested, printed, and assembled at full scale to ensure quality and practicality of the design. (Not currently too satisfied with my gem setup). Hunter tools: A Call Beyond, Choir bell Runes: Great Lake tier 3, clockwise metamorphosis tier 3, Anti-clockwise metamorphosis tier 3. You should have enough bloodshards to level a main weapon and a supporting one. You can find it in this glyph: bjs2rx72 (bonus area before layer 1 lamp) zkkuat7j - Farm the layer 1 boss (Watchers) in this glyph until you have 2 radial shaped Cursed Tempering gems with 27. Aight, if you're new to BB, caps are like this: Everything hard caps at 50 except endurance which hard caps at 40. Yes but poorly. I saw this too late but you made my day!! Glad it worked :>. Upon transforming Ludwig’s Holy Blade’s R1 goes from 0. Updated: 26 Mar 2022 00:12. Saw Cleaver 10. Moonlight Greatsword (Dark Souls), a greatsword in Dark Souls. Since you get Ludwigs Holy Blade much earlier you should focus on getting str and skl to 25 first, as well as leveling Vit and Endurance to a. 67 X 10^13 joules while Ludwig scales to Living Failures which is 5. Be a man and duel at BL150. This damage is applied before bonuses such as the open foe bonus for a multiplicative effect. It is no fun to me, because it is such a powerful weapon. I'm doing a quality build and using Ludwigs blade (+6) and it has b=STR c=skill and b=arcane is it worth putting any points into arcane for this weapon?. Stand to his side as much as possible. You can use Ludwig's Holy Blade on four builds: Quality: 50 STR / 50 SKL. Guessing Kirkhammer comes in play though it should technically be the same as Ludwig's as. It works but it obviously would be lacking a good deal of damage due to little strength to scale off. The Holy Blade gets the righteous damage bonus against Cainhurst enemies in both forms while the Kirkhammer only gets it in sword form, not as the hammer. 08: Cold: Radial: 20: Arc scaling +65 + 2nd stat: Dropped by Pthumerian Elder: kkvk8gsj. I want to do a 50/50 strength/arc build and was wondering which version of the weapon is best suited for this! I would also like to know what…The tonitrus has increased arcane scaling, +70% bolt damage and +40 flat bolt damage when transformed. He was also the founder of the Healing Church Workshop, and first hunter of the Church. If this information is correct the effective AR of the untransformed Ludwig’s is 330 compared to the Kirkhammer’s 440 and its transformed AR is 472 compared. High power, stun, range, an enormously versatile moveset with fast attacks and heavy attacks depending on the form ensuring you have a move for every situation, the greatsword mode charge R2's hitbox is absurd, moves can ignore collision with the environment often, and its great scaling in STR/SKL/ARC and modest requirements goes with almost any. The one-handed form is fast and does decent damage, while the two-handed one does amazing damage, with great reach. I have 25 in arcane so I can use the Tiny Tornitus because it packs a punch and takes people off guard, as well as Ludwig's Holy Blade scaling off of arcane! It also scales off of strength and skill and I like Vitality but I centered around hitting hard with this build which is why my Vitality is so low. Ive also gotten pretty good at nailing the sweetspot for high damage. Arcane 6. Gun: Ludwig's Rifle +6. Get the 50 arcane hardcap and leave str / skill at their minimum. 8 Physical ATK UP. The church hunters created this sword under his lead to mimic the original weapon and to follow the path of their grand Commander. 8 for a +10 weapon. I upgraded it to '+6' which…If you like the cleaver you should stick to it for a playthrough. * Several enemies and bosses have specific weakness to fire, bolt, ect. So going from 24 -> 25 Strength might give you say, 10 damage. Reply Replies (0) 34 +1. When blue moonlight dances around the sword, and it channels the abyssal cosmos, its great blade will hurl a shadowy lightwave. It has the best scaling, in my opinion. Ludwig's Holy Blade is a MASSIVE sword with the massive stats to back it up. Cosmetic Tattoos by Kelita. It scales in both so I'm leveling both but I want to know which one to level first for more damage. 80 : 0. The amount of HP regained on an R1 attack immediately after taking damage. For pure str it's without a question kirkhammer. And if you don't go to 99 you're sacrificing alot of damage with them. Ludwig's Uncanny Holy Blade is the best for physical because it has 2 radials and a triangle. In DS1 I believe S was 150+, A was like 120-150, etc. I've brought it to +3…50 Str. However, i recommend Saw Cleaver for Fire-element weapon. His lower body is thin, apparently flayed, and sports four asymmetrical, but strong, hoofed legs, while his upper torso is a portrait of pure madness: between two long arms with large sharp talons, protrudes a disproportionate hunch that shows a circular maw lined inside with irregular teeth and clusters of eyes, and his face, apparently. Both are great, the holy blade is a heftier weapon with better stagger and reach, but overall slower and doesn't have seration damage. The amount of HP regained on an R1 attack immediately after taking damage. PropStore3D. A-Tier: Blades of Mercy, Logarious Wheel, Burial Blade, Holy Moonlight Sword, Chikage, Church Pick. Weapons scaling well in Arc often have a secondary form that buffs the weapon with elemental damage or a magic aura. 8x 10^13, so Demon of Hated also has the AP advantage, and a Class G lifting strength that won't be doing Ludwig any favors in close quarters. revenant925 • 2 yr. After checking it out, it seems it's at the very top of B, at 80%. "so ive been using the Ludwig Holy Blade lately and wanted to switch it up cause ive been crushing everything, and everyone is saying Threaded Cane is amazing. Sacred Blade is a regular skill that can be found in Ashes of War that can be used on many melee armaments. Such weapons with normally pure-physical damage can be converted to any element by slotting in a elemental bloodgem. Kirkhammer felt slow and klunky for me and I misses quite often. There are two types of weapons that scale with arcane (1) conversion weapons and (2) split damage weapons. I felt that the Cleaver is great in its short form for quickly disposing of enemies, but the Hunter's Axe in its two-handed state is much better for disposing of larger creatures (and certain hunters too). Arcane has higher scaling but guide doesn't give Arcane scaling per point, so don't know if both Str + Skill to softcap of 25 might be better than Arcane to 50. It has slightly lower base damage than the Kirkhammer but better scaling. Unless level either doesn't change anything. Honestly, Ludwig's Holy Blade is overrated, it's a very common weapon because of it's simple design and scaling but when I played through I stuck to using my saw spear, go with what you're comfortable with over what does more damage. Ludwig's Holy Blade does normal physical damage, but it also has separate blunt and thrust attacks. 1 Ludwig's Holy Blade. It seems soo much better than the moonlight greatsword in ER. Heavy Abyssal AR at 50str/25skl v2. . • 4 yr. If you want to become a beast. "A trick weapon fashioned by the workshop heretics, the Powder Kegs. It is said that the silver sword was employed by Ludwig, the first hunter of the church. That is until I put the Bone cutting saw blade on the Bramble curved sword handle and tuned the scaling to strength. The Holy Moonlight Sword is a tremendously powerful weapon. Those weapons all have good scaling and movesets, both transformed and untransformed. 3D Model of the Ludwig Holy Blade, the trick weapon depicted in the game Bloodborne. LHB is a solid arcane weapon with decent. The gems in both weapons increase only the physical attacks. Ludwig’s Holy BladeHunter Axe is slow, yet powerful. It's the best weapon for general use. 2% Physical Attack with +3. both will slay kin with ease, ludwigs holy blade will do the most damage because of it's scaling (A scaling at level 10 VS Church pick's B) with R2 thrust attacks in both transformed and transformed modes. And generally luswogs makes more sense damage wise but due to other trick weapons is where all the confusion is leading in. Like seriously, the amygdala arm, kirkhammer, and wheel are the only weapons in the base game with c tier strength scaling at first and only 2 of those are good. manufacture of specific products. Guessing Kirkhammer comes in play though it should technically be the same as Ludwig's as. ago. 29: Ludwig's Holy Blade +1 : 0. Also, I think you already know this, but since the weapon has a B stat (third best Scale rating) in Strength, Skill, and Arcane, you are capable of running multiple different builds in the game with this weapon, and will be just as effective for each build. Pairs well with the Whirligig. First things first i dont know if i spelled any of them correctly Now. Skill and Arcane - Skill has little synergy with Arcane , as the only weapons that have any sort of relation with Arcane damage while also being Skill-based are the Blade of Mercy and Burial Blade , both of which are unlocked near. I always try to have a secondary weapon, because some are just better (considering moveset) against some enemysHow well does it scale with Arcane since it has a A scalling at +10? Also can we add Fire paper to it for the extra 80 or use the arcane spell EPS? I have a few builds I am considering on my Holy blade. Raven Knight: Fluffhead108: Troubled. Disgustingly good. Strength: 16 ; Skill: 12 ; Strength: B ;. 31 comments Best Add a Comment OrphanOfBos • 4 yr. Already has an "s" in blood scaling, so while scaling does increase damage, I didn't see as much damage for slotting a +65 Blood scaling blood. I'm also on Quality Build with 50 STR/50 SKL and 30 Arcane. Used Ludwig's. . 44: 0. Beasthunter Saif Description. I used the axe a majority of my first playthrough until I learned of how great Ludwig is. Main Wep: Ludwig's Holy Blade +10. Wide swipe with his claws. Niclerosis. Butcher's Knife is another shitty machete that noone ever uses, except to cosplay as Mildred. it has good scaling for a quality build. Of course. I'm getting the same issue as well. I don’t know what would be better 50/25 (Str/Skl) of 25/50 (Skl/Str) for this weapon. 50/50 with 27. The second weapon with a balanced scaling would be the Stake Driver. The fight starts with Ludwig in Accursed but can go Holy Blade. Whirligig Saw. Go for both the Saw Cleaver and the Hunter's Axe. You're better off just going with the weapon's move set you enjoy the most and base your build around it, blood gems can make up any short comings it might have damage wise. Check the page for Ludwig's Holy Blade to get a better idea of how this weapon performs, since the scaling factors are very similar for both of these weapons. Upon transforming Ludwig’s Holy Blade’s R1 goes from 0. ps. Kirkhammer has a pretty high A scaling though, its probably almost S. MaxwellGodd ' · 12/17/2018. There are 3 versions of this weapon: Normal, Uncanny and Lost. Reply Replies (0) 16 +1. Another Radial +26. Kirkhammer or Ludwig's Holy Blade? 10 posts; 10 posts #15669407. 1 waning. Ludwig's. – Best Overall. DLC weapons that this applies to include the Bloodletter, Boom Hammer, Holy Moonlight Sword, Kos Parasite, and Simon's Bowblade. Skill increases damage with weapons that scale with it and greatly increases visceral damage. It has arcane scaling, but that only matters if you convert its damage to magic (arcanr/fire/bolt) Your stats should be good enough. Reply. The holy blade is not a split damage weapon, so it needs to be converted with a gem to do elemental damage. The Sword can be inserted in the. but unequipped it when I got Ludwig's Holy Blade. Uncanny Chikage located in Layer 3 pre boss area. BL150. CryptoBusiness, Economics, and Finance. You are a Greatsword Guy. Pre-DLC weapons this applies to include the Blade of Mercy, Burial Blade, Rifle Spear, Logarius' Wheel, Tonitrus, and Chikage. Hunter's Axe, by comparison. For more information about the scaling as a whole and its values visit the Scaling wiki page. Examples: Holy Moonlight Sword, Tonitris, and Burial Blade. 2% triangle. The hammer can knock enemies prone very easily and is a strength weapon, with less good, but still not bad arcane scaling. 5 Arcane scaling, +200% arcane damage, and. 2. All my weapons are currently on +4. I prioritise speed and quality over damage, you should probably stick to the saw if that's your preferred style. Ludwig is insanely strong in high levels and with the right blood gems. if you are investing in arcane i can imagine a primary logarius wheel with a secondary ludwig holy blade that does bolt damage would be perfect. This weapon has comparatively lower base physical damage than Ludwig's. gems and bow´s long range makes it more viable at critical HP (30%hp and below). Expectedly, Ludwig's Holy Blade turns into a two-handed greatsword superb for cleaving through foes. It has excellent Arcane scaling, and, as such, can be infused with elemental Blood Gems for great effect if players are going for high Arcane investment. Its not as simple as burger vs coal, ludwig's is much more powerful, but its a traditional sword/greatsword. Also, there are some weapons (like the Holy Moonlight Sword, Kos Parasite, Tonitrus, etc. Attack rating of 971 with three 27. "One of the trick weapons of the workshop, commonly used by hunters on their duties. Attribute Requirements 19 19 comments Best Top New Controversial Q&A Ludwigs Holy Blade is what's known as a quality weapon. The optimal stats for a LHB build assuming you want to stick to the 120/150 meta is 50/50. Both sides start 20 meters apart of each other. (edited by MaxwellGodd ') 0. He is also known under his official title; Ludwig, The Holy Blade, and adopts this title in the second phase of his fight. Arcane increases damage on the few weapons that scale with it and increases the damage of items like the executioners gloves or A Call Beyond. The 2h r2 charge for the Axe is a double spin with massive damage and knock back which is fantastic, such a hard choice man. I could say almost 100% the same and replace Ludwigs Holy Blade with Beast Cutter, Moonlight Sword, Church Pick or Burial Blade and wouldn't lie a single time. (19) $162. Arcane scaling can only ever increase elemental damage. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. The file is for personal use only, don't share files or redistribute. I went from using ludwigs holy blade for a long time and then fell in love with the bloodhunter saif. It doesn't really have an interesting gimmick other than big sword. This is because Radials have the worst arcane gems, and Lost versions have the least number of Radial slots. Hello fellow hunters! I’m currently going through my very first play through of the game and had a couple of questions regarding progression and the…Aside from looking cool, Ludwig’s Holy Blade is a must-have for other, more practical reasons, too. Build: Lv 120 - 50/25/50/25/5/15. I think from a meta perspective it’s better than Zwiehander specifically for the move set; LHB’s move set includes long ranged, poise-heavy hits that can hit a ton of enemies, while also having its shorter quicker blade that does a ton of dps. wiki. My average attack is at 811. Many weapons only deal serrated damage in one form or the other, with the exception of the Saw Spear. 07. Model includes both the one handed sword and the sheath. 0 - Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:00 pm #15669407. By FrostTyrant - Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:00 pm. Composer: Nobuyoshi SuzukiTrack - Ludwig, the Holy Blade (Extended 1 hour loop)DescriptionHis lower body is thin, apparently flayed, and sports four asymmetr. I have 30 STR, 29 SKL, and Ludwig's Holy Blade +10 does 509 physical damage and thrust damage, and 630 blunt damage with some decent blood gems. The joy of pure arcane builds are the tools. 6 million. Bluemoon Greatsword, a false copy of the Moonlight Greatsword. Ludwig's holy blade - tracery of big sword (Bloodborne) Here u can see 4 models of the same tracery of ludwig's holy blade from bloodborne cosplay. The arcane scaling sometimes only applies to the buffed form of the weapon. Ludwig's Holy Blade is skill/strength and Axe/Hammer are both strength weapons. +10 has a scaling coefficient of 0. Hunter tools: A Call Beyond, Choir bell Runes: Great Lake tier 3, clockwise metamorphosis tier 3, Anti-clockwise metamorphosis tier 3. Ludwig's Holy Blade is a weapon that can be found fairly early in the game. Check out our list of the Best Weapons in Bloodborne. scaling with ludwiga holy blade. Seven-Coil Spring Sword:. It is objectively the best str/all weapon in the game. Logarius’ Wheel. 1= 385. Bloodtinge 9. 5 Ludwig's Holy Blade. Reply Only split damage weapons like the Holy Moonlight Sword, Tonitrus or Blade of Mercy will make use of both types and scalings at the same time. Ludwig, The Holy Blade. * +10 Ludwig's Holy Blade as A scaling with Arcane when socketed with an elemental gem. 1 (S) and a skill scaling of 0. So my Ludwigs build is at 94 with 30 Strength and 40 skill. In his Accursed form, he has the following attacks: Jumping attack. Currently using Saw cleaver and Tonitrus with elemental gems. CryptoUncanny Chikage is a Katana in Bloodborne. Ludwig's Holy Blade is amongst the best weapons for PvE, it scales with both Strength and Skill so at higher upgrade levels if you're allocating stats right, it should get crazy strong. The church hunters created this sword under his lead to mimic the original weapon and to follow the path of their grand Commander. A weapon is only as good as the player. ago It scales with strength and skill better than any other weapon in the game and its tricked form is very similar to. ago. Weapons like this are Tonitorus, logarius wheel, HMS, and a few others. HOWEVER, you are emphasizing Arcane, so you actually want the LOST Holy Ludwig's Blade. The stake driver, with its queerly complex design, violently drives thick stakes into the flesh of foes. Ludwig's Holy Blade is a Trick Weapon in Bloodborne. It's the ultimate fusion of skill and strength forged into a metallic masterpiece. What makes the Blade of Mercy great: One of the fastest weapons in the game; Low stamina consumption, allowing for a steady stream of attacks; High Skill scaling; Relatively easy to get; Great for Dirty/Murky bloodgem strats; Quick beast meter build-up; 7. The next closest weapon in strength I have is my Hunter's Axe +9 which is 179 +175 damage. Ludwigs holy blade scales str/ski with a preference for strength. base damage, attribute scaling and attribute saturation are multiplied together for each attribute/damage type. That's not correct, kinda. Attribute Requirements19 19 comments Best Top New Controversial Q&A Ludwigs Holy Blade is what's known as a quality weapon. Attack rating of 971 with three 27. • 3 yr. Vitality: 31. it is a top tier weapon, has good scaling and a really versatile moveset. 4. Reply. something like 25 Strength/ 45 skill is. ago. Using this skill grants holy essence to the weapon and fires off a golden blade projectile, great to use against Those Who Live in Death. Strenght: 50 STR / 25 SKL. 1h just feels punt, so 2h seems better, but as I said before it costs too much stamina. Violent Past Origin: 50 Vit, 37 End 50 Str, 50 Skl, 6 BT, 7 Arc. Each letter (S A B C etc) have a numerical range. Ludwig's is a quality weapon which means it scales equally with strength and skill. So I have just recently gotten to the point where I can now get Ludwig's Holy Blade, and I really like the fact that it has…Ludwig's Holy Blade. Stat ise holy blade is easily one of the best running quality weapon. What LHB has going for it is B/B scaling in strength/skill at +7 and above, which basically means that you get equal "above average" physical attack bonuses from leveling strength and skill. The Holy Moonlight Sword is synonymous with Ludwig, the Holy Blade, but few have ever set eyes on the great blade, and whatever guidance it has to offer, it seems to be of. And don't scoff at the damage. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. You can put a technique crank on it so as to make it scale with technique. Besides, most of the late game dmg comes from gems rather than scaling. Most weapons have a small amount of arcane scaling (D). Be a man and duel at BL150. Darehead • 3 mo. When Wolnir fell to the Abyss, he was gripped by a fear of true darkness, and pleaded to the gods for the first time. However, as you upgrade it that gap closes until it becomes equal in both scalings at . Ludwig's Holy Blade (currently +7). I’m pretty sure ludwig’s holy blade scales high wit strength and not much else, a fire blood gemstone usually doesn’t scale too much with arc, tonitrus might scale with skill and I think arcane but I’m not too sure. We have ranked the weapons based on their overall perks and strength in the game. I recently picked it up on a Strength build run through. For your stats, the best weapons, in terms of damage you would be getting from scalings, would be the Saw Cleaver/Saw Spear, Ludwigs, Beast Claws, and the Stake Driver would also be really good. 3. MOONLIGHT, a family of Laser Blades in the Armored Core series. 8 Physical ATK UP. It is said that the silver sword was employed by Ludwig, the first hunter of the church. Examples: Holy Moonlight Sword, Tonitris, and Burial Blade. 50 Skl. It's an excellent weapon to boot, with a hard-hitting transformed mode with attacks dealing blunt and thrust damage and a great moveset. This is personal License if you. This is the one that I'm going to build, BL 110. 80 - 0. Not as unique as the design of some other weapons, like tonitrus and it's turbo shtick. Best Arcane Gem Setup for Ludwig's Holy Blade:Cursed Cold Abyssal Blood Gem (+65 ARC scaling) (X1)Cursed Fire/Bolt/Arcane Damp Blood Gem (27. Pure arcane should really be 99 arcane otherwise you end up with more of a hybrid build. An arcane sword discovered long ago by Ludwig. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Obtained after defeating Ludwig, The Holy Blade, the Holy Moonlight Sword stands out in many ways in Bloodborne. Ideally you should have 3 ludwigs, a fire, a bolt, and an arcane, all with the best cursed gems from chalice dungeons on it. Business, Economics, and Finance. You want it to be a Skill heavy, quality build. And since it deals righteous damage, infusing it with Bolt will deal even. (I don't mean primary scaling, but utilizes them in someway) I used ludwig holy blade on my first playthrough too as it's fairly easy and does a decent amount of damage. Ludwig's Holy Blade - many people consider this the rookies weapon, high damage output, relatively decent move set, scales evenly between strength and skill, radiant sword hunter badge. Ludwigs Title is "Holy Blade" and his weapon is the "Holy Moonlight Sword". Ludwigs Title is "Holy Blade" and his weapon is the "Holy Moonlight Sword". Adding an arcane/bolt/fire gem to a weapon that does pure physical will. I know tier lists have been done to death, but I just started playing Bloodborne recently. By a lot. Sometimes you may think that Elementals are better than Physical, even with higher Str/Skl than. 5 scaling in strength and . At high stat levels, the Holy Blade is numerically superior to the Kirkhammer. Both are great weapons, but Kirk scales Str better, despite Ludwig's having the superior 2h moveset. 2 more replies What does Ludwig’s holy blade scale on. In this guide, we’re going to show you where to find Ludwig’s Holy Blade, how it looks and what it does. Transforms from a one-handed Greatsword into the two-handed Moonlight Greatsword. In fact, I think the saw cleaver (which I use for speedruns) is. These hunters, also known as Holy Blades, are what remains of an ancient line of heroes that date back to a very early age of honor and chivalry. Awesome thank you, I’ll just have to get used to the move set haha. Ludwig's Holy Blade Scaling . "Ludwig, the Unsightly/Hideous Beast" ) is a Boss in The Old Hunters Expansion for Bloodborne. What does Ludwig’s holy blade scale on. I’d say it’s reasonable to scale Ludwig to at least mid-game Hunter, and in that case Geralt’s hopelessly.